
Tax Planning

More than filling out 1040 forms, our proactive tax planning finds more tax deductible items, creates tax-advantaged situations and teaches you how to reduce taxes for greater savings in future years.

Our comprehensive Tax Planning process includes:

Advising you on estimated payments.

Too many people never hear from their CPA throughout the year and receive limited advice on estimated payments. We will work with you or your CPA to make sure your estimated payments are an accurate reflection of your taxable income for the year; the goal is to know what to expect when you file your return.

Creating Donor-Advised Funds for Appreciated Securities.

Donor-advised funds provide a simple way for investors to get immediate tax deductions and avoid capital gains tax liability on appreciated assets. We’ll work with you to help set up donor-advised fund in Your Family Name and then you decide where and when to make gifts to your charities.

Gifting Strategies for Tax-Free Giving.

Our clients use family gifting strategies to remove assets from their taxable estates. These strategies help reduce future estate taxes, and benefit your family members immediately.

Planning Strategies to Reduce Inter-Generational Taxes.

A combination of federal and state taxes can significantly reduce the assets your heirs receive. Strategic estate planning is critical to maximizing the share that future generations will enjoy.

Tax efficiency in portfolios.

We actively tax manage throughout the year taking losses to offset gains where possible. We are also keenly aware of the thresholds and brackets that kick in higher capital gain and income tax rates. We work to limit taxes in all of our portfolio decisions.

Investing in College Saving Plans.

With tuition inflation averaging >5% a year, you cannot afford to subject your education savings to unnecessary taxes. The right college savings plan can help ensure that you save effectively and efficiently, and gives you a state tax deduction.

tax documents next to a cup of coffee demonstrating tax planning

Tax Season

We will gladly work cooperatively with your CPA or tax preparer to help minimize the burden of tax preparation. With CPA’s on staff we know what your CPA needs and can speak their language. We’re happy to step in and provide a comprehensive tax package containing all of the relevant documentation needed from our firm.

Tax you Pay on $50k of Dividend Income. Ordinary vs Qualified Dividends.

How much federal tax do you pay on $50,000 of dividend income? The amount will vary based upon the type of dividend, ordinary vs qualified, and how much you receive from wages, social security, IRA distributions, etc. In this video I review four different scenarios to show the tax differences on $50,000 of dividend income based upon stage of life and other income sources. You will see right away that for most people, they will pay significantly less tax on qualified dividends vs ordinary dividends. Also, investors should be aware that annuity income, rental income and interest income are all taxed in the same manner as ordinary dividends; i.e. taxed as ordinary income. This video only considers federal tax since each state has its own tax unique tax rate. After watching this video you will have a better understanding of how dividends are taxed.


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