New Releases
How to Build a Diversified Portfolio for Retirement. Avoid These Asset Allocation Mistakes!
Asset Allocation Learn Strategies for a Secure Retirement Portfolio. Returns and Losses Explained.
Retirement Planning
How long will your money last? What asset allocation should you use? What spending rate should you use? How should you invest during retirement? I answer these questions and more.
Tax Planning for Retirement
The bottom line matters. Not all retirement income sources are taxed the same way. Watch these videos to learn how to lower your taxes in retirement.
Retirement Income Spending Strategies
Learn how much you can sustainably spend off your retirement investments.
Estate Planning
Learn the steps necessary to fund your trust, why you need to fund your trust and how to avoid probate.
Stock Market Cycles and Analysis
Learn where we are at in the stock market cycle. The stock market has had a very obvious pattern for more than a century. Learn the pattern and the average time for a bull and bear market.
Investment Risk
Learn how to properly assess your risk tolerance. Learn how to calculate the best case and worst case 1 year outcomes for different risk categories.
Research and Insights on Popular ETFs
Economic Updates
Updates on the economy, interest rates and GDP
Annuities are Terrible!
Annuities are terrible investments. Watch these videos to learn why you should never own one.
Fiduciary Standard
Ninety percent of financial advisors are part time fiduciaries who can also sell you products that might not be in your best interest and hide their commissions. Find out what type of financial advisor you are working with.
Asset Allocation Strategies
Building a diversified portfolio is a critical part of successful retirement plan. Watch these videos to learn more about asset allocation, mistakes that you can make and how to improve.