Sequence of Negative Returns Risk is Higher than you Think!
Sequence of negative returns risk is something that many investors fail to consider when planning their retirement or assessing their risk tolerance. Sequence of negative returns risk is the risk that at some point during your retirement, you will experience...
Bear Market Losses. What is the Average Loss in a Bear Market?
The stock market has been in an incredible bull market since 2009. We all hope it keeps going but history shows that secular bull markets eventually end and turn into secular bear markets. There are two types of Bear Markets Secular Bear Markets Short-Term Bear...
Never Buy an Annuity! No Stepped Up Basis. 100% Ordinary Income Tax.
There are many reasons you should never buy an annuity; high fees, limited investment options, and surrender charges to name a few. But the number one reason to never buy annuities with after-tax funds is the tax structure. When you purchase standard investments like...
Asset Allocation Mistakes You Can Avoid
There are many mistakes you can make when selecting an asset allocation strategy for your retirement. In this article we will review two serious mistakes an investor can make with their asset allocation strategy. Selecting an asset allocation that does not match...
Asset Allocation for Retirees
Choosing an asset allocation is a key decision in any retirement plan. With over 25 years of experience as a financial advisor, I have found that many retirees do not know how much they can make or lose with different asset allocations. The focus of this article will...
Asset Allocation Risks You Need to Know Now!
Stocks have been in a bull market for sixteen years. Many investors have forgotten what it is like to experience a recession. The current environment reminds me a lot of the year 2000. By the year 2000 the stock market had been in a bull market for eighteen years....