Most retirement planning is done with complicated software. Unless the user is highly trained both on the software and with math and investments, mistakes frequently occur and go unnoticed. Making a mistake when building a software-based financial plan is extremely...
The recent research paper, Beyond The Status Quo: A Critical Assessment of Lifecycle Investment Advice, has created a lot of buzz since the paper was published. The authors advise an optimal retirement portfolio that is 100% equities with 33% in domestic stocks and...
Sequence of negative returns risk is something that many investors fail to consider when planning their retirement or assessing their risk tolerance. Sequence of negative returns risk is the risk that at some point during your retirement, you will experience...
Choosing an asset allocation is a key decision in any retirement plan. With over 25 years of experience as a financial advisor, I have found that many retirees do not know how much they can make or lose with different asset allocations. The focus of this article will...
Over the last 25 years one of the most common questions I have received from clients is, “how much can I spend and not run out of money?” In my experience, many investors don’t know what a sustainable spending strategy looks like. Today’s article will be focused on...
Today I’m going to show you a simple way to quickly determine if $2 million is enough for your retirement. I’ve been a financial advisor for over 25 years and I have built hundreds of retirement plans. What I am about to show you is based upon that...