Most retirement planning is done with complicated software. Unless the user is highly trained both on the software and with math and investments, mistakes frequently occur and go unnoticed. Making a mistake when building a software-based financial plan is extremely...
Over the last 25 years one of the most common questions I have received from clients is, “how much can I spend and not run out of money?” In my experience, many investors don’t know what a sustainable spending strategy looks like. Today’s article will be focused on...
The number of years a $1 million dollar portfolio will last a person in retirement will depend on the following four factors: Asset Allocation Spending Rate Percentage Investment Selection & Performance Behavior ASSET ALLOCATION Asset allocation is a critical...
HOW MUCH CAN I SPEND IN RETIREMENT? This question is one of the most common questions people ask me when working on their retirement plan. I have often had people tell me that they were planning to spend 5% of their portfolio during retirement. For some reason, many...
1.) SELLING YOUR PORTFOLIO AT THE BOTTOM OF A BEAR MARKET Over the last 25 years I have seen many, too many, retirement planning mistakes. One of the most serious retirement planning mistakes that you can make is to try to time the market and sell your portfolio at...