
The Year You Retire Matters More Than You Realize!

The year you retire can make or break your retirement plan. Will you retire at a good time or a bad time? You cannot really know if you have bad timing until after the fact. If you retire at a bad time, right before a recession and crash in the stock market, you won’t...

How to Build a Common Sense Retirement Plan

Most retirement planning is done with complicated software. Unless the user is highly trained both on the software and with math and investments, mistakes frequently occur and go unnoticed. Making a mistake when building a software-based financial plan is extremely...

Tax Planning for Investors and Business Owners -Three Simple Steps

If you own a business or are an active investor, tax planning can help you eliminate surprise tax bills. Over the last 25 years I have met dozens of investors and business owners who tell me stories of large, unexpected tax bills. The story is always the same, the...
Asset Allocation Risks You Need to Know Now!

Asset Allocation Risks You Need to Know Now!

Stocks have been in a bull market for sixteen years. Many investors have forgotten what it is like to experience a recession. The current environment reminds me a lot of the year 2000. By the year 2000 the stock market had been in a bull market for eighteen years....

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Is $2 Million Enough to Retire?

Is $2 Million Enough to Retire?

Today I'm going to show you a simple way to quickly determine if $2 million is enough for your retirement. I've been a financial advisor for over 25 years and I have built hundreds of retirement plans. What I am about to show you is based upon that experience and that...

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The Party in Mega-Cap Growth Keeps Going!

The Party in Mega-Cap Growth Keeps Going!

With half of 2024 in the rear-view mirror, the obsession for mega-cap growth stocks is alive and well. Enthusiasm for a handful of mega-cap stocks has yet to slow down. As investors continue to pile into Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia et al, this extremely...

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