Most retirement planning is done with complicated software. Unless the user is highly trained both on the software and with math and investments, mistakes frequently occur and go unnoticed. Making a mistake when building a software-based financial plan is extremely...
There are many reasons you should never buy an annuity; high fees, limited investment options, and surrender charges to name a few. But the number one reason to never buy annuities with after-tax funds is the tax structure. When you purchase standard investments like...
Over the last 25 years one of the most common questions I have received from clients is, “how much can I spend and not run out of money?” In my experience, many investors don’t know what a sustainable spending strategy looks like. Today’s article will be focused on...
Today I’m going to show you a simple way to quickly determine if $2 million is enough for your retirement. I’ve been a financial advisor for over 25 years and I have built hundreds of retirement plans. What I am about to show you is based upon that...
The number of years a $1 million dollar portfolio will last a person in retirement will depend on the following four factors: Asset Allocation Spending Rate Percentage Investment Selection & Performance Behavior ASSET ALLOCATION Asset allocation is a critical...